When the clock struck midnight for Cinderella, the spell was broken and she was just an ordinary girl. I can relate. At the stroke of midnight (literally) on Valentine's Day, I got a very big reality check as I clung to the toilet trying to stop throwing up. Yes, I have the dreaded 24-hour bug. Getting sick has made me remember that even though I am having this amazing experience in another country, I am still just an ordinary girl living my life, no matter where it may be. I finally fell asleep at 4:30 AM and woke up this morning to go to a Valentines Day brunch right down the street at Danielle's. Now, you know I'm sick if all I ate were some eggs and bacon, and the sight of waffles made me sick. I'm now sitting in my host family's house, alone (they're at a wedding) with a fever. Happy Valentine's Day to me, right? Since this would be just a sad and depressing post without some pictures, I'm going to add a few from the past couple of weeks! Oh, by the way, tomorrow marks my one month anniversary in Copenhagen. Already.

A mural in Christiania

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